Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Weight Loss Journey Continues After Baby

In a previous post, I wrote about losing 40 pounds! It took me over a year to achieve, but with hard work and dedication, I did it! Now, I'm at it again! After losing the 40 pounds, I got pregnant. At that time I had gained 10 pounds from my lowest weight (I took a mini-break from dieting and it showed!) It was a little bit hard to see the scale move up (30 pounds total!), but I knew that I was a lot healthier in this pregnancy, compared to the others. After I had the baby, I lost 20 pounds almost immediately. Now, here I am again trying to lose the weight. 
I decided to go with Weight Watchers again, since I had success with it last time. I've been on it for almost a month and have lost nearly 10 pounds! With their points plus system, I get extra points since I am exclusively breastfeeding my son, but honestly sometimes I don't think I need it! I eat three meals a day, plus snack and still usually have 10 or more points left daily! But having those extra points left over make me feel good, just knowing if I need a snack or want a treat, I can have one! I hope within this blog, to put in some of my WW friendly recipes!
As far as exercise, its been tough. I don't get much sleep because of the baby, so I am tired! So, its hard to find the energy to do it. So far, I went back to my "old faithful" exercise videos; Leslie Sansone's Walk with Me fitness program. I used to do the 30 minute workout, but now its so hard to find the time with my 3 kiddos, so for now I use a 15 minute speed walking workout. At first, I didn't think it would make much of a difference, but it has! I just have to tell myself that's 15 minutes that I don't spend sitting down! I really enjoy Leslie's videos, because they are easy to follow and and are doable when you're overweight. I tried several different video before and they were so fast paced, I couldn't go beyond doing 3 minutes! Here's a link to the video I use:

 Now the video is a little dated, but it at least gets the job done! Now that I'm building my stamina back up, I hope to do longer videos soon! 

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